Add & Spell the Hidden Word 6

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Manage your Assignments here . You can also find Assignments under your account dropdown in the upper right hand corner.
This new site feature allows users to choose from our hundreds of engaging learning games and exercises to create assignments for students. See below for details and simple instructions on how to use this exciting new feature.
How to Assign Games or Exercises
You've selected a game or exercise to assign.
From here, you have two options: Add the game or exercise to a new assignment, or add to an existing assignment.
If you're creating a new assignment, give it a name. Adding a description or due date is optional. Click "Next".
Select the child(ren) you want to send this assignment to, then click "Done". You will see a confirmation message once it has been successfully assigned.
How Children Can Access Their Assignments
Your students can log in through your Pro membership log-in, or at by entering the Classroom Mode code.
Once your child selects their profile, they will land on our main menu where they will see available assignments and due dates (if applicable).
To complete the assignments, students click on the games or exercises listed on the assignment page, play, learn, and have fun!
The main menu also allows students to see their progress in each individual game and exercise in the assignment.
Track Assignment Progress
As your child completes each assignment, you'll be able to track their performance in the Assignments tab of our Progress Tracker. You'll also be able to make edits to assignments from here, like removing games or exercises, or changing the due date.
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Combining addition problems with a word puzzle at the end, this worksheet makes practicing math fun without skimping on the addition help! As your child solves these two-digit addition problems, some of which require carrying, she'll hone her mental math skills and addition facts fluency. At the end, she'll use her answers to uncover a secret word!