2017 is the year that front-end developers should go back and master the basics

Frontend developer, passionate photographer and owner of crazy dogs. Creator of React Styleguidist.
Dec 27, 2016
2017 is the year that front-end developers should go back and master the basics
🚀 The advice is valid for 2018 too, don’t worry if you found this article a year later 🦄
In our fast-paced ecosystem, we tend to spend our time trying out the latest inventions, then arguing about them on the internet.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t do that. But we should probably slow down a bit and take a look at the things that don’t change all that much. Not only will this improve the quality of our work and the value we deliver — it will actually help us learn these new tools faster.
This post is a mix of my experience and my wishes for the New Year. And I want to hear your suggestions in the comments just as much as I want to share my own.
Learn how to write readable code
Most of our work lies not in writing new code, but maintaining existing code. That means you end up reading code much more often then writing it, so you need to optimize your code for the next programmer , not for the interpreter.
I recommend reading these three amazing books — in this order, from shortest to longest: